Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Product placement and other payoffs to publishers

I am a huge fan of blogging. I think it is the source of the next wave of SIPA members. At the same time, blogging has lowered the barriers to entry to such an extent that there is literally no cost but time. That has enabled a flood of people to enter the field for fun and/or profit. As part of that, we have seen a wide range of entrants.

Some are using their blog to create awareness and sell other products or services. Some are just sharing their opinions and interests, and some are seeing revenue from product placement, sponsorships, or various payoffs (and I don't necessarily mean that to sound as sinister as it might, on the other hand it can). You hear about at home mothers who start blogs and are receiving merchandise and payments for favorable mentions. That's blurring the traditional lines. Various government officials have raised the issue and the prospect of some sort of regulation grows.

So, what should traditional SIPA members feel about this? These are competitors but there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. And, in many cases they're creating celebrity or notoriety and then cashing in on it. That may sound appealing to publishers under pressure. But, what's the longterm prospect?

What do you think about this?

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